Get the business insights without the hassle.

Turn raw data into insights that accelerate growth. Amped Analytics makes it easy and affordable.


Gain insights in minutes

Avoid wasting days or weeks to get the insights you need.
Amped Analytics delivers fast visualizations, easy dashboards, and powerful tools for data-driven decisions.

Customizable Dashboards

Customize your dashboards with drag-and-drop ease to focus on what matters most to your business.

Advanced Analytics, Simplified

Dive deeper into your data without being a data expert. Predict trends and uncover patterns without complexity.

Powerful Analytics

We make it easy to explore data

AI Data Predictions - Techstar X Webflow Template
AI Insight Assistant - Ana Asks the Right Questions

"Ana, what are my top-performing sales territories?" Amped Analytics  AI assistant guides your analysis!

Icon Powerfull Analytics We Make it Easy To Track All Uses In-Depth Monitoring - Techstar Webflow Template
Advanced data exploration

Enable your users to reach achieve data-driven success with data understanding

Icon Powerfull Analytics We Make it Easy To Track All Uses Advanced Tracking - Techstar Webflow Template
Visualizations - Your Data, Crystal Clear

Uncover insights with intuitive visualizations. Charts and graphs make understanding your data a breeze.


Integrated with all tools you already know and love

Get started right away with our easy to use data connectors

Unlock Affordable Data Insights -
Just $135 Per Data Source, Per Month!

Ready to transform your data into actionable insights without breaking the bank? Our cutting-edge data insights platform offers you the power to harness your data affordably at just $135 per data source per month.

Automated Reports - Techstar Webflow Template

Effortless Collaboration

Collaborate effortlessly, with shared dashboards and reports that keep everyone aligned and informed.

A/B Testing - Techstar Webflow Template

Secure and Scalable

Collaborate in secure workspaces. Share findings, maintain control – it's the best of both worlds.

Integrations - Techstar Webflow Template

Seamless Integrations

Easily integrate with your business critical applications with our library of 100+ integrations.

Ready to get started? Connect with our team today!

Get insights instantly, not weeks from now. Amped Analytics makes your data work for you.